A well-intentioned company’s “Open Door” policy can become its most problematic policy. The purpose of these policies is to foster communication between rank and file employees and management in order to share ideas and to address issues of concern such as safety, productivity, pay, etc. So far, so good. (Most companies have separate policies and procedures distinct from the Open Door policy, which allow employees to lodge formal complaints about safety violations or discrimination and harassment issues for formal investigation.)
As with most issues inside organizations, it’s not the Open Door policy itself that’s the problem – it’s the implementation. Sadly, most organizations are unaware that their desire to foster open communication between employees and management actually fuels drama and a lack of accountability. This occurs because most Open Door policies are mismanaged by overly-helpful supervisors and used by unhappy employees who didn’t get what they wanted. The result is a lot of unproductive conversation and reinforcing the notion that complaining employees simply need to dump their unhappiness at a supervisor’s feet in hopes that the supervisor will charge off and give a co-worker or a lower level supervisor “what for”.
Common issues that come through the “open door” sound like,
• “My co-worker (or supervisor) is mean to me.”
• “My supervisor won’t let me take vacation.”
• “Sally doesn’t pull her weight, and I’m tired of doing her job.”
In my experience, the most common misuse of the Open Door policy occurs when an employee disagrees with something that’s going on and believes his perspective is the right perspective, while everyone else is to blame. This could involve anything from disagreements with a co-worker to disagreeing with decisions made by a supervisor, receiving negative feedback, disliking an assigned task, or being denied time off. In these situations, no policy has been violated, and there is no inappropriate supervisory behavior (although the employee might intimate there is). The employee simply doesn’t like what a co-worker or supervisor communicated, decided, or assigned. So the unhappy employee goes shopping for a sympathetic ear and someone to solve the problem.
This is highly problematic as it usually sucks everyone into a drama triangle. The employee, playing the role of Victim, complains of a co-worker or supervisor, who is (often unwittingly) cast in the role of Persecutor because he interfered with something the employee wanted. The unhappy employee walks through the “open door” as Victim to visit a supervisor, seeking a Rescuer, who will heroically step in to save the day, magically solve the employee’s problem, and right the alleged “wrong”. And most supervisors take the bait and are easily sucked into this.
Meanwhile, work has been interrupted and productivity declines.
With a little boundary setting and just-in-time employee coaching, these types of situations can be diffused and turned around relatively quickly with the employee retaining the responsibility for accounting for their own behavior and solving their own problems. Here are some tips to avoid drama, empower employees, reinforce accountability, and avoid being dumped on, triangulated, or manipulated into Rescuer mode:
1. Stop Interpreting the Term “Open Door” Literally. An Open Door policy does NOT require managers to keep their doors open 100 % of the time and be 100% available to 100% of everyone who stops by. This is highly inefficient and not helpful.
Instead, an “open door” signifies an open attitude to discussing issues of concern with employees. This may mean that an employee schedules a time to talk, or that the employee meets with the manager during specified “Open Office Hours” when employees are indeed free to drop by without appointment.
Making oneself so accessible only trains employees to reactively run to managers to have their problems solved for them. In fact, it’s likely that managers who make themselves so available have a need to be needed. Having to wait even an hour to meet with a manager can sometimes calm an employee enough that he decides the issue isn’t worth involving someone else.
2. Inform Your Team of Your Availability. Let your employees know when you hold “open office hours” with no appointment needed or that they should schedule a time to talk if necessary. It’s also good to make sure every understands the signs for when you are not available, such as a closed door, closed blinds, etc.
3. Ban Your Inner Rescuer and Learn to Act as a Coach. Need to be needed? It does feel good to be the one to save someone in distress, but that’s not the job of a leader. Instead, as a leader, you are charged with building the capacity of everyone you work with, and capacity is not built by solving issues for others or saving them from uncomfortable circumstances that they can work through on their own.
Rather, you build capacity by assisting others to examine the situation, list options, and choose something they can do to address the situation. For example, instead of getting mad at a co-worker for something that didn’t happen or went wrong, the employee might be better off asking the co-worker what she can do to help, so that situation doesn’t happen again. Alternatively, guided by a supervisor’s questions, the employee may decide the issue is more appropriately raised in a team meeting.
The worst thing a leader can do is to intervene on behalf of an employee and inadvertently send the message that the employee is not capable of solving most of her own issues.
4. Train Supervisors. Make sure your supervisors understand all workplace rules, policies, and procedures, so they are less likely to run afoul of them to the detriment of their direct reports. Also, train supervisors to coach employees through issues so they do what they can within their control. This builds even more capacity within the organization.
5. Require Both Parties to Shepherd Issues Up the Chair of Command Together. Under an Open Door policy, the vast majority of issues will go away if you require the employee (and supervisor) to be accountable for what she can do within her control under the circumstances. Unfortunately, many companies unwittingly reinforce the notion of employees as victims by allowing and even encouraging a complaining employee to circumvent the immediate supervisor and to meet with the boss’s boss (or higher) to complain under an Open Door policy. This simply reinforces the drama triangle dynamic.
In fact, I have never seen an issue come up through an Open Door policy that couldn’t be solved by having the parties examine their own capability and accountability.
For the sake of argument, if an issue appropriately escalates up the chain of command, require the parties to shepherd the issue to the next level together. This reinforces the assumption of trust between employees and management and avoids the triangulation that can occur when only one side of the story is presented in isolation. To reiterate, the overarching theme should always be to put the accountability squarely back on the shoulders of each person involved.
No one wants to see anyone in the workplace treated unfairly or to have unaddressed issues negatively affect the work. Mechanisms, like Open Door policies, that encourage raising issues for resolution are necessary. However, when the way in which we implement such policies reinforces notions of disempowered victimhood and allow for unproductive drama to get in the way of priorities and focus, it’s time to step back and determine how all employees can be encouraged to be accountable, especially when things don’t go as planned.
Working with leaders to increase self-awareness and enhance their ability to lead others, saving time, money, and mistakes.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Do You Wear One of These Scary Masks at Work?
Halloween only comes once a year, but some employees have bosses who hide behind scary masks all year long. Which one(s) do you wear, and how might you be holding your team back when you do?
Monday, September 8, 2014
Beyond the “Big Speech”: Daily Communication Habits Boost Leadership Presence and Impact
The fact of the matter is that most leaders spend a tiny fraction of their time giving huge public speeches. Instead, leadership happens moment by moment, person by person, both through words and deeds. There are hundreds of moments like these every day. Each moment sends messages that can ripple throughout your organization, with impact that the leader may or may not intend.
If a leader wants to better match intent and impact, earn the right to lead, and demonstrate true leadership presence, it makes sense to work on how the manager shows up in each of these moments throughout the day.
Specifically, managers can ask themselves the following questions:
This is only a partial list of questions to explore. How well you present at the “big speech” is something to consider, but not even close to what really makes a difference -- when you communicate every hour of every day as a leader.
For more information, click here to download my free communication assessment then contact me any time at 801-946-0675 or at info@bethstrathman.com.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER, BLOG OR WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this information with it: Beth Strathman is coach and advisor for senior leaders who want to get clear and focused and see better results in productivity and profitability in their organizations. Learn more about her company Firebrand Consulting LLC at: bethstrathman.com.
If a leader wants to better match intent and impact, earn the right to lead, and demonstrate true leadership presence, it makes sense to work on how the manager shows up in each of these moments throughout the day.
Specifically, managers can ask themselves the following questions:
- What messages do I send based on how I spend my time?
- What messages do I send based on the people with whom I spend my time?
- What messages do I send based on how I allocate resources?
- Am I authentic when I speak, or do I come across as manipulative and even dishonest?
- Do my deeds match my words?
- How well do I model the desired culture and values of the district and my school?
- How much integrity would my colleagues say I have?
- How do I respond to failures when people take risks?
- When do I provide praise and other rewards, and what messages does this send?
- When do I provide criticism or punishment, and what messages does this send?
- What behaviors or results am I tolerating that I shouldn’t be tolerating, and what messages am I sending as a result?
- How well do I communicate expectations, how employees can be better, and what I appreciate about their work and contributions?
- How do I carry myself when I walk, speak one-on-one, and participate in meetings?
- How well do I listen and understand?
- How many different styles do I have for communicating in different, challenging situations?
- How well do I influence others one-on-one, in groups, and throughout the building or the entire district?
This is only a partial list of questions to explore. How well you present at the “big speech” is something to consider, but not even close to what really makes a difference -- when you communicate every hour of every day as a leader.
For more information, click here to download my free communication assessment then contact me any time at 801-946-0675 or at info@bethstrathman.com.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER, BLOG OR WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this information with it: Beth Strathman is coach and advisor for senior leaders who want to get clear and focused and see better results in productivity and profitability in their organizations. Learn more about her company Firebrand Consulting LLC at: bethstrathman.com.
Monday, August 11, 2014
STOP! To Accomplish More: 3 Tips for Taking Control of Your Attention
“Life . . . is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.”
--- William Shakespeare, Macbeth
A colleague and I were bemoaning the maddening busy-ness people engage in throughout their workweeks. Why do so many feel they have to be constantly connected to incoming input?
You’ve done it or seen others do it: constantly texting (probably multiple conversations at once), emailing, browsing, gaming, or talking on the phone. To what end? There is no way that ANYONE has that much they NEED to engage with throughout their waking hours. Maybe it has to do anxiety that constantly taps your shoulder, making you believe you must be on the lookout for real time problems or new opportunities or risk missing out on something important.
I call it “rocking chair” behavior: you’re moving, but you’re not going anywhere.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
How to Be a Credible Leader
In last month’s blog I wrote about four areas for leadership focus. This month I zoom in on establishing your credibility.
Over the past century or two, the expectations of what a leader is and does has shifted and that applies to how leaders established credibility. Used to be that a leader was credible if he was “large and in charge” as set forth in the Great Man Theory. To establish credibility in previous centuries, an individual (usually male) needed to dynamically leave his mark on the world through personal power, charisma, intelligence, and wisdom. From the top, down, he directed, commanded, provided answers, intimidated, kicked butt and took names, and was always deferred to by everyone else. In short, the leader sat atop the pyramid in a hierarchical paradigm borrowed from the military.
Today, a shift has and is still occurring that is questioning the heavy reliance not only on top-down hierarchy but also the traditional tough-guy leadership traits that established a leader’s credibility. Sure. In a crisis, expediency pays. You absolutely want a leader who can take control of the situation and go into command and control mode to alleviate a big threat quickly. Yet on a day-to-day, non-crisis basis, the credible leader of the 21st century is one who entices others to follow through competence, transparency, inspiration, and being forward-looking.
Are you reflecting these 21st century aspects of credibility?
Competence. In the past and for today’s leader, a large component of credibility comes from being competent. Competence is being qualified for the job. It comes from knowing your stuff and being intelligent enough to ask the right questions if you don’t. Increasingly, the competent 21st century leader is also emotionally competent, meaning he is aware of his emotions, can regulate them, and is aware of how others are feeling.
Being competent does not mean the individual is an expert in all things related to the business or of managing his emotions; rather, it means the individual is adequately knowledgeable and skilled and has a basic knowledge and ability with most things that come his way. Competence is often an issue when someone is hired or promoted through political wrangling, nepotism, or favoritism.
Transparency. People don’t like being manipulated or lied to. That’s why leaders who are open and honest with their employees earn high marks. Openness and honesty keeps everyone together as a unit, sharing the same experience. It also, provides the leader an opportunity to teach employees about his thought process, including underlying assumptions. In addition to being instructive, transparency can invite the sharing of alternate viewpoints. The back and forth exchange of ideas that comes from such openness helps forge a stronger bond amongst the group and furthers the leader’s believability and credibility.
Inspiration. To be inspiring, you don’t have to be Martin Luther King, Jr. It does, however, mean that you can help others see that they are part of something bigger and can accomplish great things in concert with others. This is about helping employees see the “big picture” and their place in helping the grand plan come to fruition. Neurologically, by way of mirror neurons, followers’ brains light up in many different areas when they interact with a leader who can enthusiastically connect them with the big picture. This increases the chance that employees will be open to new ideas and new emotions as they scan the business environment for options to attain a corporate goal or vision. And that is exactly what a leader wants to inspire employees to do.
Forward-looking. Finally, today’s leader must have the ability to scan for future trends, opportunities, and threats. The marketplace changes so quickly that leaders must have an eye on what is coming down the pike – good, bad, different and indifferent. This gives the organization advanced notice allowing it to adapt and stay relevant and in business. The leader who is uncomfortable with change or unaware of trends will react slowly if at all, failing to catch the next wave that will keep the business afloat. Because followers rely on the continuation of the organization, the credible leader is in tune with what’s happening now as well as with what is likely coming in the future to ensure the longevity of the organization.
Are you credible enough to lead? Take our assessment to find out today.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER, BLOG OR WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this information with it:
Beth Strathman is the Executive Coach for senior leaders who want to get focused and get results. Learn more about her company Firebrand Consulting at: www.bethstrathman.com.
Over the past century or two, the expectations of what a leader is and does has shifted and that applies to how leaders established credibility. Used to be that a leader was credible if he was “large and in charge” as set forth in the Great Man Theory. To establish credibility in previous centuries, an individual (usually male) needed to dynamically leave his mark on the world through personal power, charisma, intelligence, and wisdom. From the top, down, he directed, commanded, provided answers, intimidated, kicked butt and took names, and was always deferred to by everyone else. In short, the leader sat atop the pyramid in a hierarchical paradigm borrowed from the military.
Today, a shift has and is still occurring that is questioning the heavy reliance not only on top-down hierarchy but also the traditional tough-guy leadership traits that established a leader’s credibility. Sure. In a crisis, expediency pays. You absolutely want a leader who can take control of the situation and go into command and control mode to alleviate a big threat quickly. Yet on a day-to-day, non-crisis basis, the credible leader of the 21st century is one who entices others to follow through competence, transparency, inspiration, and being forward-looking.
Are you reflecting these 21st century aspects of credibility?
Competence. In the past and for today’s leader, a large component of credibility comes from being competent. Competence is being qualified for the job. It comes from knowing your stuff and being intelligent enough to ask the right questions if you don’t. Increasingly, the competent 21st century leader is also emotionally competent, meaning he is aware of his emotions, can regulate them, and is aware of how others are feeling.
Being competent does not mean the individual is an expert in all things related to the business or of managing his emotions; rather, it means the individual is adequately knowledgeable and skilled and has a basic knowledge and ability with most things that come his way. Competence is often an issue when someone is hired or promoted through political wrangling, nepotism, or favoritism.
Transparency. People don’t like being manipulated or lied to. That’s why leaders who are open and honest with their employees earn high marks. Openness and honesty keeps everyone together as a unit, sharing the same experience. It also, provides the leader an opportunity to teach employees about his thought process, including underlying assumptions. In addition to being instructive, transparency can invite the sharing of alternate viewpoints. The back and forth exchange of ideas that comes from such openness helps forge a stronger bond amongst the group and furthers the leader’s believability and credibility.
Inspiration. To be inspiring, you don’t have to be Martin Luther King, Jr. It does, however, mean that you can help others see that they are part of something bigger and can accomplish great things in concert with others. This is about helping employees see the “big picture” and their place in helping the grand plan come to fruition. Neurologically, by way of mirror neurons, followers’ brains light up in many different areas when they interact with a leader who can enthusiastically connect them with the big picture. This increases the chance that employees will be open to new ideas and new emotions as they scan the business environment for options to attain a corporate goal or vision. And that is exactly what a leader wants to inspire employees to do.
Forward-looking. Finally, today’s leader must have the ability to scan for future trends, opportunities, and threats. The marketplace changes so quickly that leaders must have an eye on what is coming down the pike – good, bad, different and indifferent. This gives the organization advanced notice allowing it to adapt and stay relevant and in business. The leader who is uncomfortable with change or unaware of trends will react slowly if at all, failing to catch the next wave that will keep the business afloat. Because followers rely on the continuation of the organization, the credible leader is in tune with what’s happening now as well as with what is likely coming in the future to ensure the longevity of the organization.
Are you credible enough to lead? Take our assessment to find out today.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER, BLOG OR WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this information with it:
Beth Strathman is the Executive Coach for senior leaders who want to get focused and get results. Learn more about her company Firebrand Consulting at: www.bethstrathman.com.
Monday, June 16, 2014
4 Leadership Focal Points to Guide the Way
I haven’t met a leader yet whose day is not full of information, fast-paced action and distractions. At any given moment, you are bombarded with input from multiple directions. To appear “in control” and competent, you feel you have no other choice than to react to the situation demanding you immediate attention. Now! Yet, when you reflect on your day, you don’t seem to have gotten anything done. You are exhausted. How can this be?
The problem is failing to focus on what’s important.
Here are four tips for keeping your leadership eyes focused in the right direction:
1. Focus on making a difference with your employees. Employees admire leaders who have a positive impact on others. It shows that you understand that you are not the center of the universe and that you are here to serve others. So, maximize the impact of you have on others by shedding your Superman cape. Instead of you taking responsibility to react and solve the problem or provide an answer, coach those around you to think through possible answers or responses to the issue. It not only shows your employees that you care enough to take the time to include them in the solution, but it builds capacity in those around you and relieves you of shouldering all responsibility.
2. Focus on being credible. According to Kouzes and Posner, the one characteristic employees look for in their leaders is credibility. You don’t have to be perfect, but to build and keep credibility, you must demonstrate competence, meaning you can cogently converse about what’s going on in your organization and industry and deliver on what you say. You must be forward-looking to help your organization adapt to changing market conditions. You must be transparent and honest, so others will believe what you say over time. Finally, you must be inspiring, meaning that you can communicate to others how they are part of something bigger than themselves and can achieve great things.
3. Focus on a common vision. Crafting a vision for your organization takes work. The REAL work starts when you start making that vision a reality. Communicating the vision in ways others can relate to and support takes constant effort and stewardship. Keeping the vision in focus for others is a daily task that leaders must do. You must “walk the talk” and live the vision by being an example and use that vision to constantly frame the work done in your organization -- everything from how a receptionist greets visitors to the principles used to make big decisions about products and services.
4. Focus on learning. Be open to looking at things in new ways. Be curious as you approach new technologies or even problems. Ask questions. Always seek to improve yourself by getting feedback on how you’re doing. And view the workplace as one, big scrimmage field where people can take chances, practice and fail, and learn from their mistakes.
So, at the end of the day, ask yourself:
• Did I make a positive difference with at least one employee today?
• Was I credible?
• Did I further our mission and vision?
• Did I learn something new today?
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER, BLOG OR WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this information with it: Beth Strathman is the Executive Coach for senior leaders who want to get focused and get results. Learn more about her company Firebrand Consulting at: http://www.bethstrathman.com.
The problem is failing to focus on what’s important.
Here are four tips for keeping your leadership eyes focused in the right direction:
1. Focus on making a difference with your employees. Employees admire leaders who have a positive impact on others. It shows that you understand that you are not the center of the universe and that you are here to serve others. So, maximize the impact of you have on others by shedding your Superman cape. Instead of you taking responsibility to react and solve the problem or provide an answer, coach those around you to think through possible answers or responses to the issue. It not only shows your employees that you care enough to take the time to include them in the solution, but it builds capacity in those around you and relieves you of shouldering all responsibility.
2. Focus on being credible. According to Kouzes and Posner, the one characteristic employees look for in their leaders is credibility. You don’t have to be perfect, but to build and keep credibility, you must demonstrate competence, meaning you can cogently converse about what’s going on in your organization and industry and deliver on what you say. You must be forward-looking to help your organization adapt to changing market conditions. You must be transparent and honest, so others will believe what you say over time. Finally, you must be inspiring, meaning that you can communicate to others how they are part of something bigger than themselves and can achieve great things.
3. Focus on a common vision. Crafting a vision for your organization takes work. The REAL work starts when you start making that vision a reality. Communicating the vision in ways others can relate to and support takes constant effort and stewardship. Keeping the vision in focus for others is a daily task that leaders must do. You must “walk the talk” and live the vision by being an example and use that vision to constantly frame the work done in your organization -- everything from how a receptionist greets visitors to the principles used to make big decisions about products and services.
4. Focus on learning. Be open to looking at things in new ways. Be curious as you approach new technologies or even problems. Ask questions. Always seek to improve yourself by getting feedback on how you’re doing. And view the workplace as one, big scrimmage field where people can take chances, practice and fail, and learn from their mistakes.
So, at the end of the day, ask yourself:
• Did I make a positive difference with at least one employee today?
• Was I credible?
• Did I further our mission and vision?
• Did I learn something new today?
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER, BLOG OR WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this information with it: Beth Strathman is the Executive Coach for senior leaders who want to get focused and get results. Learn more about her company Firebrand Consulting at: http://www.bethstrathman.com.
Monday, April 7, 2014
A Simple 2-Step Assessment to Manage Your Team
It’s easy to simply react to the day-to-day grind. Before most managers know it, they can find themselves in a situation where key talent has left their teams. Additionally, managers may realize they have the wrong people in the wrong positions for the wrong reasons.
Managers Need “Monovision”
The concept of Lasik surgery for eyes is familiar to many. With Lasik, there is an option called “monovision”, which allows the patient to have one eye adjusted for seeing things close up and the other eye adjusted for seeing things far away. The same concept applies to managers as they keep an eye on their teams: the manager must focus both on individuals and on the team as a whole.
Flexing Focus Between Individual and Team is Critical
Getting to know employees as individuals is important and assists managers in setting specific expectations for each individual regarding personal performance, compensation, and career path. However, many managers do not spend time taking stock of the team as a whole to ensure that the mix of current talent and future potential is working well to position the organization for success in the future.
A Simple Assessment Can Make All the Difference
This simple exercise can give managers clarity about the current team configuration and provide insight about what the manager must do to create and maintain key team talent into the future.
Managers can take these 2 steps to get a good picture regarding overall team status:
Step 1: Reflect on the relative rank of the employee's performance with the rest of the employees as a whole. Is the employee in the top 10%? Top 25%? In the middle? Or in bottom 10%, etc.?
Step 2: Record each employee’s potential, using terms to reflect what the future might hold for him. Is he “Struggling”? “In the right place”? “Needs challenge”? “Ready to Advance”? “Future executive”?, etc. Use whatever phrases are relevant to your organization.
Based on this simple 2-step assessment, a manager can discern support required for individuals' career development while gauging the overall strength and career trajectory of the team. From here, the manager can create a plan for addressing individual as well as overall team needs.
For more information about engaging and mobilizing employees and to take our FREE Self-Assessment to learn how well you are engaging and mobilizing your employees.
Managers Need “Monovision”
The concept of Lasik surgery for eyes is familiar to many. With Lasik, there is an option called “monovision”, which allows the patient to have one eye adjusted for seeing things close up and the other eye adjusted for seeing things far away. The same concept applies to managers as they keep an eye on their teams: the manager must focus both on individuals and on the team as a whole.
Flexing Focus Between Individual and Team is Critical
Getting to know employees as individuals is important and assists managers in setting specific expectations for each individual regarding personal performance, compensation, and career path. However, many managers do not spend time taking stock of the team as a whole to ensure that the mix of current talent and future potential is working well to position the organization for success in the future.
A Simple Assessment Can Make All the Difference
This simple exercise can give managers clarity about the current team configuration and provide insight about what the manager must do to create and maintain key team talent into the future.
Managers can take these 2 steps to get a good picture regarding overall team status:
Step 1: Reflect on the relative rank of the employee's performance with the rest of the employees as a whole. Is the employee in the top 10%? Top 25%? In the middle? Or in bottom 10%, etc.?
Step 2: Record each employee’s potential, using terms to reflect what the future might hold for him. Is he “Struggling”? “In the right place”? “Needs challenge”? “Ready to Advance”? “Future executive”?, etc. Use whatever phrases are relevant to your organization.
Based on this simple 2-step assessment, a manager can discern support required for individuals' career development while gauging the overall strength and career trajectory of the team. From here, the manager can create a plan for addressing individual as well as overall team needs.
For more information about engaging and mobilizing employees and to take our FREE Self-Assessment to learn how well you are engaging and mobilizing your employees.
WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this information with it: Beth Strathman is the advisor
for senior leaders who want to get clear and focused to create increased
productivity and profitability in their organizations. Learn more about her
company Firebrand Consulting LLC at: bethstrathman.com.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
7 Questions for Manager to Engage Their Employees
Engaging and mobilizing employees can feel like
a daunting challenge. However, a few simple management behaviors can make a
huge difference to improve engagement.
Mind-reading frustrates employees
For instance, many employees
are frustrated because they feel like they have to read their manager’s mind.
They don’t know how they are doing or how they can do better. The annual
performance evaluation is sometimes an employee’s only chance to find out. Yet, that event is so stressful and formal
that the interaction between employee and manager usually is not conducive to
meaningful improvements.
Spans of control contribute to the problem
This situation is not
completely the fault of management. In some organizations, spans of control
have become so large that managers have to complete formal performance reviews
every three or four days.
The solutions are simpler than you might think
There are many simple,
inexpensive strategies to engage and mobilize employees. They can be put into
place immediately and have huge impact.
For instance, one opportunity
that many leaders fail to take advantage of – even at the C-level – is to give
more frequent, informal feedback about how each employee is doing. By doing so,
everyone in an organization knows what is expected of them and how they can get
The seven questions
At bottom, there are seven
simple questions every leader must answer and communicate to employees. Frequency counts. Having small, informal
conversations with employees about performance at common sense junctures goes a
long way – especially when these conversations include teachable moments about
different situations and details.
The questions every manager
should reflect on for each employee include:
What do I expect from you?
We all know that setting expectations is a
basic supervisory skill, yet many managers still don’t do it well. They take for granted that employees have the
same work knowledge and work standards in mind as they do. You’ll be surprised at how much you will
learn about employee perceptions when you discuss your expectations with them.
What are you doing well?
Managers know, too, that they should
acknowledge and thank employees for the things they are doing well. However, with the hectic pace of today’s
workplace, many managers don’t take the time to do this.
What, if anything, can you be doing
Good employees want to know how they can
continue to improve their contribution to the organization. Marginal employees need to know
this. Be prepared to use work examples
that help illustrate the difference between what the employee is doing now and
what it would look like if they were doing even better.
What, if anything, do I want you to
do better?
Similar to the previous question, this
request gives the employee more information about your perception of where they
must apply their energy and focus to be more successful. After all, if the manager is the one with
making the decision about how well the employee is doing, know what you as
manager think is required is good insight for the employee to have.
(If appropriate): What will happen if
you improve (e.g., more responsibility, more time with leadership, more
desirable assignments)?
For your high potentials and superstars,
this question leads to the discussion of career paths and opportunity.
(If appropriate): What will happen if
you don’t improve?
For marginal and low-performing employees,
this question can lead to a candid and transparent discussion of what is at
stake and in store for them if they don’t bring their performance up to snuff. This lets the employee “see the freight train
coming”, so if they don’t improve, they will be less likely to be surprised if
they are demoted or let go down the road.
How can I help?
Offering reasonable assistance to an employee –
whether a low- or high-performer -- to meet or exceed your expectations lets
them know that you are not simple the judge and jury. You are there to help them succeed if they
are willing to go for it.
While all of these questions
are important, the last question is especially important. It shows the employee
that the leader cares, and is not merely abdicating responsibility or shifting
And remember: These questions should come up throughout the
year – not just when you do the formal performance review.
For more information about engaging and mobilizing
employees and to take our FREE
Self-Assessment about how well you are engaging and mobilizing, click
WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this information with it: Beth Strathman is the advisor
for senior leaders who want to get clear and focused and see better results in
productivity and profitability in their organizations. Learn more about her
company Firebrand Consulting LLC at: bethstrathman.com.
Monday, February 10, 2014
8 Reasons Your Employees Want to Break Up With You
February is the month we think about our relationships. While you might not go so far as to call them your “valentines”, do you have good relationships with your employees? Having good relationships with your employees increases productivity and retention of top talent. Leaders who don’t foster good relationships with employees will find themselves rejected and abandoned like a jilted lover.
Beware of these eight reasons your employees might want to break up with you:
1. You’re Incompetent. Employees want a competent leader who knows how to communicate, sets clear expectations, addresses all relevant issues (even tough ones), gets results, and holds everyone accountable. In short, they want a good leader. If you’re not at least average in these areas, you’ll see higher than average employee turnover rates for your industry as employees say, “It’s just not working for me anymore."
2. You’re Not Credible. (Note: there is a difference between lacking credibility and being “incredible”.) Employees want a leader who says what she means, means what she says, and does what she says she’s going to do. These admired leaders have character and integrity. Employees notice when a leader's conduct is inconsistent with her stated values and when promises are broken. In that situation, employees will dump you for someone else as soon as something better comes along.
3. You’re Not Personally Committed to the Organization’s Mission and Goals. While you ask your direct reports and other employees to give their "all" at work, do you put the effort and time into achieving your company’s goals? As a role model in your organization, you of all people should be working hard. To do this, use your time wisely and put in the planning it takes to fulfill the requirements of your leadership role. Otherwise, your employees will break it off saying, “I’m not saying it’s you; but I know it’s not me.”
4. You’re Rigid or Stuck. While “resilience” might be an over-used, trendy buzzword right now, your employees don’t want to be involved with a boss who can’t roll with the punches. Employees want a leader who can bounce back from failure, who can cope with the disappointment of an unrealized goal, while renewing their sense of hope and re-energizing them as the company gets back on track. If you can’t bounce back when you fall, your employees will break it off and find someone else they can admire on this score.
5. You Are Focused On Your Own Needs First. Do you seek personal ambition over putting the needs of the company first? When you egocentrically put your own desires and ambitions first, your employees understand that you are simply using them to enhance your own status instead of the company's brand. Employees provide better value to customers when they feel they matter and their leaders care about their well-being. If you’re a “user”, employees will kick you (and your company) to the curb.
6. You Are Not Committed to Employee Success. Do you think your employees should just know what to do with little guidance from you? Employees want to know how they can improve. A good leader understands that talent must be continually developed for the good of the organization. Leaders who don’t, lose bench strength quickly. Without giving specific and frequent feedback and without supporting employees to gain skills, you might just miss out on some of the best employees you could have ever asked for. They will be the “ones that got away”.
7. You Don’t Admit to Your Mistakes. Can you admit when you are wrong? Or do you stubbornly insist on being right? Leaders who admit to their mistakes show humility and courage and emphasize that taking risks may not always lead to the ideal outcome – and that’s OK because you learn something along the way. Leaders who admit their mistakes teach employees that failure is a part of trying and can be more helpful than success.
8. You Need to be Liked Instead of Respected. This is the romantic equivalent of being co-dependent. These leaders curry favor with employees in the hopes of making a friend at the expense of their duty to do what’s right for the company. Of course, it’s ideal to be both liked and respected, but if you have to choose one, choose respect. Employees will see you as unbiased and consistent (fair) if you do. And you’ll respect yourself in the morning.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER, BLOG OR WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this information with it: Beth Strathman is the Executive Coach for senior leaders who want to get focused and get results. Learn more about her company Firebrand Consulting at: www.bethstrathman.com.
Beware of these eight reasons your employees might want to break up with you:
1. You’re Incompetent. Employees want a competent leader who knows how to communicate, sets clear expectations, addresses all relevant issues (even tough ones), gets results, and holds everyone accountable. In short, they want a good leader. If you’re not at least average in these areas, you’ll see higher than average employee turnover rates for your industry as employees say, “It’s just not working for me anymore."
2. You’re Not Credible. (Note: there is a difference between lacking credibility and being “incredible”.) Employees want a leader who says what she means, means what she says, and does what she says she’s going to do. These admired leaders have character and integrity. Employees notice when a leader's conduct is inconsistent with her stated values and when promises are broken. In that situation, employees will dump you for someone else as soon as something better comes along.
3. You’re Not Personally Committed to the Organization’s Mission and Goals. While you ask your direct reports and other employees to give their "all" at work, do you put the effort and time into achieving your company’s goals? As a role model in your organization, you of all people should be working hard. To do this, use your time wisely and put in the planning it takes to fulfill the requirements of your leadership role. Otherwise, your employees will break it off saying, “I’m not saying it’s you; but I know it’s not me.”
4. You’re Rigid or Stuck. While “resilience” might be an over-used, trendy buzzword right now, your employees don’t want to be involved with a boss who can’t roll with the punches. Employees want a leader who can bounce back from failure, who can cope with the disappointment of an unrealized goal, while renewing their sense of hope and re-energizing them as the company gets back on track. If you can’t bounce back when you fall, your employees will break it off and find someone else they can admire on this score.
5. You Are Focused On Your Own Needs First. Do you seek personal ambition over putting the needs of the company first? When you egocentrically put your own desires and ambitions first, your employees understand that you are simply using them to enhance your own status instead of the company's brand. Employees provide better value to customers when they feel they matter and their leaders care about their well-being. If you’re a “user”, employees will kick you (and your company) to the curb.
6. You Are Not Committed to Employee Success. Do you think your employees should just know what to do with little guidance from you? Employees want to know how they can improve. A good leader understands that talent must be continually developed for the good of the organization. Leaders who don’t, lose bench strength quickly. Without giving specific and frequent feedback and without supporting employees to gain skills, you might just miss out on some of the best employees you could have ever asked for. They will be the “ones that got away”.
7. You Don’t Admit to Your Mistakes. Can you admit when you are wrong? Or do you stubbornly insist on being right? Leaders who admit to their mistakes show humility and courage and emphasize that taking risks may not always lead to the ideal outcome – and that’s OK because you learn something along the way. Leaders who admit their mistakes teach employees that failure is a part of trying and can be more helpful than success.
8. You Need to be Liked Instead of Respected. This is the romantic equivalent of being co-dependent. These leaders curry favor with employees in the hopes of making a friend at the expense of their duty to do what’s right for the company. Of course, it’s ideal to be both liked and respected, but if you have to choose one, choose respect. Employees will see you as unbiased and consistent (fair) if you do. And you’ll respect yourself in the morning.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER, BLOG OR WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this information with it: Beth Strathman is the Executive Coach for senior leaders who want to get focused and get results. Learn more about her company Firebrand Consulting at: www.bethstrathman.com.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
How to Be Successfully "Bossy"
According to a recent survey by the Adecco Staffing Group,
about 30% of employees want the boss’s job.
After all, it looks so easy. Bosses
have more freedom with their schedules.
They are able to take longer lunches, come in late or leave
early without having to punch a time clock.
Bosses get to spend most of their time in meetings rather
than having to do actual work, and they get paid more and can tell others what to do. Who wouldn’t want to move up the ladder and
be the boss?
Ask those who were are in a supervisory position.
It turns out most supervisors had no idea how difficult being the boss
could be when they were on the other side of the management fence as a worker
bee. After becoming the boss, they often find there is almost always someone
who is unhappy with them, they generally work long hours, they must have tough
conversations with employees even when they don’t want to, and in spite of what
they thought before they were promoted, their direct reports don’t necessarily
listen to them and sometimes even resent them just because they are in
charge. Some fun.
So, if you were recently promoted to a supervisory
position or are still having difficulty accepting your role as boss, here are a
few tips for being bossy – in a good way:
1. Find
your center to maintain your integrity. At its core, this includes making
sure your personal values are mostly in alignment with those of your
organization. If personal and business
values are off kilter, you will know it. In fact any misalignment will be magnified
in a supervisory position because now you must directly represent the company’s
interest. If you can’t do that with a
clear conscience, you might want to start planning a move.
2. Communicate
clearly by checking your assumptions. One of the most important aspects of
communication is what happens before something comes out of your mouth or body –
check your assumptions. Some common
assumptions that might catch you off guard are assuming employees have
automatic respect for you because you’re up the food chain (they don’t – you have
to earn it), assuming you can be the same kind of familiarly friendly with
former co-workers you now supervise (you can’t, but they want you to), assuming
they can avoid confronting problems because they’ll take care of themselves
(some don’t, you need to address them), and assuming that your employees know
what you mean all the time with little or no explanation.
To be successfully bossy on the communication front,
you must set and reset expectations continually. New bosses especially are wise
to meet individually with each direct report to get to know them, especially
their career goals and current challenges.
From your end, make your expectations clear for employee behavior and
performance, including specific performance standards you’re looking for. Another thing to divulge are your “hot
buttons” – those things that drive you crazy that you expect employees NOT to
do. The previous boss probably had
different ones, so unless you say something to the contrary, your employees are
going on the status quo.
3. Remember
it’s not personal; it’s the limbic system.
As a boss, your employees’ neurological systems perceive you as threat
just by virtue of having an ever-so-slightly-raised status above your direct
reports. This means, even a slightly
raised eyebrow from you will set some employees twirling off into a tizzy. Whenever
you simply have a conversation about someone’s performance or conduct that
needs improving, you’ll be accused of “yelling” at them even if you whispered
during the entire conversation. The same
goes for positive interactions you have with employees; telling someone “good
job on the Johnson project” can put someone on Cloud 9 for days. Yes, you’re
that powerful.
Learn as much about emotions and neuroscience as you
can to work effectively with your team.
More important, monitor your own emotional repertoire to avoid exacerbating
the emotional response in others.
4. Go
slow. “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” “Don’t eat the elephant all at once.”
Et cetera. You may see a thousand issues
that need to be addressed, and you might be right. To be successfully bossy, refrain from
jumping in to tackle them quickly on your own (unless something illegal or
unsafe is happening). Instead, start
asking questions about why things are done/not done a certain way. Educate yourself and listen. Then include your employees in creating or
re-designing something different. It
will take longer and may not end up the way you originally envisioned; however,
all will have ownership in what is created together.
5. Be graciously
fallible. As the boss, you may feel
pressure to continually prove you earned the spot – to be seen as competent. Well, there may be an employee or two who
could also do the job, but you’re the one who got it. So, accept that you’re in charge and be
successfully bossy by offloading the pressure to be right or smarter than
everyone else. It’s amazing how powerful
you will be if you take a lesson from Louise Penny’s fictional character Chief
Inspector Gamache, who mentors junior inspectors to set aside their egos by
using 4 key phrases: “I don’t know” “I was wrong.” “I’m sorry.” “I need help.”
You can, as long as you include this information with it: Beth Strathman is the
Executive Coach for senior leaders who want to get focused and get results.
Learn more about her company Firebrand Consulting at: http://www.firebrandconsulting.blogspot.com.
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