If a leader wants to better match intent and impact, earn the right to lead, and demonstrate true leadership presence, it makes sense to work on how the manager shows up in each of these moments throughout the day.
Specifically, managers can ask themselves the following questions:
- What messages do I send based on how I spend my time?
- What messages do I send based on the people with whom I spend my time?
- What messages do I send based on how I allocate resources?
- Am I authentic when I speak, or do I come across as manipulative and even dishonest?
- Do my deeds match my words?
- How well do I model the desired culture and values of the district and my school?
- How much integrity would my colleagues say I have?
- How do I respond to failures when people take risks?
- When do I provide praise and other rewards, and what messages does this send?
- When do I provide criticism or punishment, and what messages does this send?
- What behaviors or results am I tolerating that I shouldn’t be tolerating, and what messages am I sending as a result?
- How well do I communicate expectations, how employees can be better, and what I appreciate about their work and contributions?
- How do I carry myself when I walk, speak one-on-one, and participate in meetings?
- How well do I listen and understand?
- How many different styles do I have for communicating in different, challenging situations?
- How well do I influence others one-on-one, in groups, and throughout the building or the entire district?
This is only a partial list of questions to explore. How well you present at the “big speech” is something to consider, but not even close to what really makes a difference -- when you communicate every hour of every day as a leader.
For more information, click here to download my free communication assessment then contact me any time at 801-946-0675 or at info@bethstrathman.com.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER, BLOG OR WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this information with it: Beth Strathman is coach and advisor for senior leaders who want to get clear and focused and see better results in productivity and profitability in their organizations. Learn more about her company Firebrand Consulting LLC at: bethstrathman.com.