Working with leaders to increase self-awareness and enhance their ability to lead others, saving time, money, and mistakes.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Unwrap the Gifts of Leadership

The workplace is like a playground where we get to play with ideas and try out new roles and identities every day. If you approach work with an attitude of having fun and are open to learning new things about yourself and others, you will receive many valuable gifts of leadership. Each leadership gift presents a conundrum, which only you can “unwrap” for yourself. To do so, consider your unique values, strengths, tolerances, and circumstances.

Below are a few leadership gifts that are waiting to be unwrapped by you. Use the questions provided to tear away the gift wrap, revealing a gift that is chosen uniquely for you:

Ego Equilibrium
Definition: The ability to balance service to others and the group while honoring your own vision and values.

How do you lead without being the focus of attention?
How do you move an agenda forward without thinking you must do the work yourself or your way?
How can you be authentic while playing the multiple roles required of a leader?
How do you commit to your organization without compromising core personal beliefs?
How can you maintain leader status without losing accessibility?

Definition: The ability to modify, yield, or adapt plans to relevant changes in circumstances.

How do you position your employees and your company to pivot when circumstances change?
How do you regularly challenge your own assumptions about what is true?
When is it more important to forego adapting in favor or stability?
When is it more important to forego stability in favor or adaptation or change?
What are your non-negotiables in any given situation?

Definition: The ability to maintain a modest perception of one’s own importance

How can you remain confident in your decisions and abilities and legitimately seek feedback from others?
How do you accept and incorporate personal feedback and remain confident?
How do you seek input from others and remain decisive?
Admit mistakes and misjudgments while inspiring confidence?
How do you ensure others understand your vision without dictating the details for how it should be carried out?

Definition: The ability to recover or bounce back from adverse circumstances

How do you remain optimistic and realistic at the same time?
How do you reframe specific setbacks as opportunities?

Definition: Seeking or introducing new or different ideas and methodologies

How do you maintain solid operational processes or corporate identity while encouraging “no limits” creativity and innovation?
How do you accept both success and failure?
How do you avoid “throwing the baby out with the bath water”?
How do you avoid compromising for mediocrity?

Throughout this winter season, unwrap at least one leadership gift for yourself and enjoy.